Friday, July 21, 2006

Welcome Back ... and the $100,000 Lightning Rod

Today started out normal enough. We went to Ft. Campbell to shoot some soldiers arriving from Iraq. It turned out to be a really good story. We found a family that lost their home in the Gallatin they are happy because their son is home (FYI. I'm not happy they lost their home...mine was destroyed in the tornado as well). Anyway the happy families...the hugging, kissing, screaming, American Flags...It all made for a wonderful feel good patriotic story.

So we meet up with the live truck at 4 ...but the live truck came in just ahead of a massive storm. So we break into "weather mode" and shoot the nastiness. Also the live truck tech notifies the station that we will NOT be live for 5. OK, every photog who has seen the educational safety video "Look Up and Live" raise your hand (not your mast :-). I guess you know what happened next :-)Even though we called in to tell them no live shot, they wanted us to feed back the bad weather video! We said how can we do that if we can't even put up the mast! We have lightning here!
Then we get a call wanting us to do a live weather hit! Anyway I managed to get our Soldier story edited and we went live late in the 6 O'Clock news (after the storms had passed).
We all came to a consensus that the producers should have to watch the safety training tapes as well. We need to be safe in the field...but I think everyone in the newsroom needs to understand the dangers we face outside of the shop.

ENG Safety Link

Anyway, lightning brings a scripture to mind:

For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Matthew 24:27 KJV)

The "obviously Photoshopped" image of the livetruck above shows a cool lightning strike...but the lightning in it can't convey the greatness or the brightness we will see when the Lord returns.
So I complained a little today, but in the grand scheme of problems are small. I thank God every day for his blessings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry about your home. Such a shock! :-(